Sunday, March 22, 2009

My worst nightmare...

I have disliked Dora the Explorer for some time now. There is something irritating about the formulaic nature of the show. Granted, I haven't watched since my babysitting years...but I don't think you could pay me enough to try watching it now. 

Now, a tween Dora the Explorer? Someone help me. 

Best Sign EVER

Click this link to see the best/worst sign ever. 

Now, not that I'm perfect with spelling...but I think it should be a rule of thumb that you check things like that before it is up and about for the world to see. 

A Book Revisited

For a while I very much disliked the book Fancy Nancy, for some reason I felt it gave off a negative vibe, pushing children into a certain way of thinking. Today I sat down and reread the book...and I really liked it.

Fancy Nancy does two things very well. First, it uses high level vocabulary in an effortless manner. The use of new vocabulary is defined within the book and is great for young readers. Second, Fancy Nancy sets up the story of a child that many of us know, or have been. So many girls go through that phase of wanting to be fancy...and I think the solution to my original problem might be, don't give the book to a tomboy. 

So for all those fancy kids out there, go read Fancy Nancy, an excellent children's book.

Note: I also reread Pinkalicious and I still did not like it.

Monday, March 2, 2009

S-N-O-W D-A-Y!!!!!!!

I grew up in Chicago, where snow and windy weather were just the norm. Imagine my excitement as I was pulling on my extra layers this morning that today is a snow day! A day to relax, a day to nap, and a day to catch up on work and blogging.

The first snow day in five years! Hooray! Huzzah! I hope that kinkos is open...